Jesmon BT13-017

$ 500,00

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SKU: BT13-017 Categorías: , Etiqueta:

Jesmon BT13-017

Color: Rojo

Nivel: 6

Efecto: [On Play] [When Digivolving] Choose any number of your opponent's Digimon whose total DP adds up to 6000 or less and Delete them. For each other Digimon you have in play, add 2000 to the maximum DP-based deletion effects. [All Turns] For each other Digimon with the [Royal Knight] trait or [Sistermon] in their names you have in play, all of your Digimon get +1000 DP.

Información adicional

Peso 0,18 kg
Dimensiones 8,7 × 6,2 × 0,1 cm
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